Science Content Marketing That Stands Out

An animated gif alternating between cartoon graphics of a rocket ship taking off, an eyeball looking around, a brain emitting lightning bolts, and an arm holding a pen.

On the internet today we are awash in content. It pervades the online ecosystem, slipping into our inboxes and through our filter bubbles like so many grains of sand. And, like grains of sand, much of it is forgettable, redundant or easily overlooked.

But we know that good content drives results. Creative content marketing highlights a brand’s strengths and leverages increased traffic into long-lasting connections. At Lunaris we start there. We don’t write the stuff that crams websites with SEO keywords. We tell stories backed by science and lived experiences. 

The key is to think not as a marketer, but as an ally. A solid content strategy gives customers value at every step of the way, whether they go on to further engage with you or not. It starts with content that meets your customers where they are. Maybe that’s a newsletter packed with news and service journalism. Social media that spotlights your community. Stories that pull back the curtain on your supply chain. More likely, it’s a combination of all of these and more.

What’s the common factor here? It’s that real content gets real results. At Lunaris, we believe that people are always trying to understand their world a little better. Our content strategy starts from this simple concept, and we’ve seen it deliver significant results time after time.

We use science to show people why the world we inhabit is breathtaking and still a little bit mysterious. We know how to craft headlines that grab people, ledes that draw them in and meaty stories that keep them there. It’s the kind of stories you bring up later to your friends, or email to your family.

From a marketing perspective, better content means more traffic and more opportunities to draw consumers into your sales funnel. And high quality content sparks opportunities for more meaningful interactions, which lets you turn passive engagement into conversions.

These are the guiding principles we sit down with to write content for your brand. We know that real content gets real results. That means subscribers who linger over your newsletter, or stop scrolling on Instagram. Readers who think about your content as they’re cooking dinner that night. People who you have fostered a tangible connection with. After that, it’s all up to you.


Why Science?