Our Content Strategy for Digital Growth
Our multifaceted, scalable approach to content combines an optimized user experience with classic SEO to drive organic growth for organizations large and small.
The internet is a vast, complicated place. In the ever-evolving digital arena, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has long been the pivotal strategy used to elevate the visibility of your content. But today, a solid content strategy can boost more than just the search rankings of your individual pages —strategic improvements to your website can fuel a much broader spectrum of growth for your organization.
At Lunaris Creative, our content strategy magnifies your reach by propelling traffic to integral areas of your website, whether that’s product pages, sign-ups and donations, or whatever pages you want your site visitors to land on. Here’s an overview of our methodology for creating these ripple effects using not just SEO but also a site optimization strategy that keeps the experience of your site visitors as the number one priority for your site.
The hub-and-spoke model
Our foundational SEO strategy centers around what’s called the hub-and-spoke model. This SEO model takes a healthy mix of quality content (the spokes), and organizes it according to major topic areas (the hubs). Search engines appreciate the SEO of this model, and readers like it too — it allows website visitors to quickly navigate to the information they need. Directing website traffic through hub pages increases the likelihood that users will smoothly arrive at their destination, and will more easily be able to explore additional content that’s relevant to them.
Implementing the hub-and-spoke model on an existing body of content typically requires reorganization of blogs and pages, as well as the creation of new hub pages that direct visitors to the relevant spokes. But this model is also a fantastic way to strategically map out new content. What are people looking for when they visit your website — or what do you want them to be looking for? Planning out the big-picture topics and the smaller-scale details that fall under them is a great way to map out your hubs and spokes while giving you great ideas for new content.
The hub-and-spoke model is a great way to organize a blog, but it also applies to entire websites, with hub pages linking not just to articles but also product pages, case studies, resource pages, downloadable content, or any other page on your website that’s relevant to the hub topic and your audience’s interests. Imagine the hub as a highway interchange, with the spoke pages acting as different exits leading traffic toward the important destinations around your website.
With a strong hub-and-spoke content model in place, you’ll find you have the ability to direct traffic in the direction you want. The synergy between hubs and spokes also builds a pageview ripple effect across your entire site. As core SEO pages see increased traffic from search, those successes are amplified through the strategic hub and spoke architecture. The result is an overall increase in website traffic as well as an improvement in user experience on your website.
Our multi-faceted approach to digital growth
At Lunaris Creative, our number one goal is crafting quality, engaging content that resonates with your audience. But how you organize it and how you share it matters when you’re trying to drive website traffic and build brand awareness and credibility. Here’s a quick overview of how we approach each new SEO hub-and-spoke content marketing project.
Step 1: Discover and organize keywords
Our digital content strategy journey begins with extensive keyword research on where your target audience's interests align with your strategic goals. We assemble a collection of primary, secondary, long-tail and blue sky keywords that will become our compass guiding website visitors and search engines to your content.
Primary keywords are the cornerstone of your SEO content. While these can be the most competitive, they can yield considerable long-term success. Secondary keywords weave a more complete narrative, allowing you to be more specific in your messaging. Long-tail keywords are increasingly specific, narrowing in on your target audience by matching your content to ultra-specific interests and phrases they’re typing into search engines.
Blue sky keywords are our own invention. Blue sky keywords are those that have currently low search volume, but that are notable to your organization or industry's future. Your audience isn’t searching for these terms yet, but if all goes well, they will. By intentionally incorporating blue sky keywords into your content, you’ll ensure that you’ll rank highly when the term takes off, all while giving the keyword itself a boost simply by using it.
Step 2: Constructing the hubs
Once we’ve identified the topic areas where your goals meet your audience’s needs (and search habits), we’ll create a hub page for each, using SEO best practices to amplify primary and secondary keywords. These core SEO hub pages are crafted to entice readers to click through and read more related content. The hub is a conduit that will lead users to the interconnected spokes within your digital realm.
Step 3: Amplifying spokes
Spoke pages are what bridge the gap from your SEO hub pages to your strategic goals. These are the blogs and pages throughout your website that answer a visitor’s question and/or inspire them to take the desired action. Spoke pages house all the details that fall under the umbrella of each hub.
Step 4: Smart link architecture
When your website visitors experience a seamless journey through hubs and spokes, they will be encouraged to explore, increasing traffic across your entire site. We achieve this through a clean hub and spoke link architecture with organized backlinking that creates an easily navigable web of digital content. When users feel lost, they won’t stick around long, but when they can find their way, they’ll be empowered to engage and interact for much longer. Search engines also reward this style of site organization, improving search engine result rankings for your pages.
Step 5: Building authority and traffic
As your SEO improves and your website establishes itself with search engines, your website’s credibility will grow in tandem. Readers will increasingly acknowledge your role in your industry and see you as a trusted resource for information. This creates the final ripple effect, in which increased search rankings lead to increased credibility, which leads to even more visibility of your site.
Grow your online audience
Are you ready to orchestrate growth across your entire website? Contact us today to learn how you can harness the power of our content marketing strategy and unlock your website’s full potential.